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Boy Scouts revoke Seattle church charter over gay scoutmaster

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(CNN) — The Boy Scouts of America has revoked the charter of a Seattle church that refused to fire its pack’s gay scoutmaster, according to a letter written by the organization’s general counsel and provided to CNN by the church.

Pack and Troop 98 is composed of about 15 boys, and according to attorney Steven McGowan’s letter, they will have an opportunity to transfer to another troop.

“As you are aware the policy of the Boy Scouts of America does not allow open or avowed homosexuals to serve as volunteer adult leaders,” read McGowan’s letter to an attorney representing Rainier Beach United Methodist Church.

The church received its charter in November and hired Geoff McGrath, a 49-year-old Eagle Scout, to lead the troop. The Rev. Monica Corsaro said she knew McGrath was gay, and she wasn’t trying to make any political statement by hiring him.

“We were not hiding,” she said. “We are talking about real people that are being effected by a policy of discrimination … by a policy that BSA teaches, so we are just calling it out.”

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She further said all the boys in the troop were aware of McGrath’s sexuality and that his hiring was in line with the church’s philosophy of being “open to all people.” Corsaro has even performed same-sex marriages at the church, she said.

McGrath could not be reached for comment because he is out of the country, celebrating an anniversary with his partner of 20 years, Corsaro said. But he provided a statement to Scouts for Equality, a group that aims to end the BSA ban on gay scout leaders.

“I’m stunned and disappointed to hear the news,” he told Scouts for Equality. “Pastor Corsaro specifically sought out someone with my Scouting background to help get these units off the ground, and her church is now being told to violate their religious convictions. It’s unconscionable and irreverent.”

According to Scouts for Equality, BSA questioned McGrath’s sexuality after an NBC News report last month.

“McGrath, abiding by the Scout’s commitment to trustworthiness, acknowledged his sexual orientation to the BSA, which in turn, responded by revoking McGrath’s status as Scoutmaster,” the group said on its website.

Corsaro refused to remove McGrath from his post, resulting in last week’s letter from McGowan stating, “As a result of this refusal to comply with the policies, guidelines, rules and regulations of the Boy Scouts of America, Rainier Beach United Methodist Church is hereby advised that it is no longer an authorized chartered organization and may no longer use the Scouting program or any of its registered marks or brands.”

BSA spokesman Deron Smith added in a statement to CNN, “We are saddened by this development, but remain committed to providing all youth with the best possible Scouting experience where the Scouting program is the main focus.”

In May, the group’s 1,400-member national council voted to allow gay scouts into its troops, saying no youth would be denied membership “based on sexual orientation or preference alone.” The group maintained its ban on gay scout leaders, however.

Because of that ban, Disney announced last month it would end a program allowing its employees to steer corporate donations to the Boy Scouts. Lockheed Martin, Caterpillar, Major League Soccer, Merck, Intel, UPS, Alcoa and AT&T have also ended partnerships with the Scouts because of its policy, according to Scouts for Equality and the Human Rights Campaign.

In a Monday statement to CNN, the BSA said it doesn’t believe “the topic of sexual orientation has a role in Scouting and it is not discussed unless it is deliberately injected into Scouting.”

The organization also said it “does not have an agenda on the matter of sexual orientation; we remain focused on working together to deliver the nation’s foremost youth program of character development and values-based leadership training.”

The United Methodist Church is the BSA’s second-largest chartered organization, accounting for more than 10,700 packs and almost 350,000 members, according to the Boy Scouts website.

Source http://www.cnn.com20140421uswashington-boy-scouts-revoke-charter-gay-scoutmaster

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Is Man Boobs Surgery The Only Answer For Gynecomastia

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The development of male breast is something that many young men will go through during the stages of puberty. Some of these young men will still suffer from this unflattering condition into their manhood. Often the only answer to solving this problem is surgery; But is surgery the only solution?

Actually there are several alternatives to surgery that have been known to work for reducing the man breast condition. Most cases of man breast medically knowns as gynecomastia is can be cured
through exercise and a proper diet. The reason for this is the majority of man boobs development derive from obesity.

The rare cases where a man that suffers from this condition would need surgery is when all other measures has rendered ineffective. Extreme cases of gynecomastia is caused by the lack of testosterones and the formation of the female hormone estrogen. Regular high intensity chest exercises with a proper diet will not only burn fat but increase testosterone levels.

Additional causes of the development of man breast occur from excessive drug use. Marijuana has been linked as one of the causes but it has never been officially confirmed by the medical community. The theory is that some chemicals in marijuana have been linked to lowering testosterone levels therefore causing this condition.

While marijuana is still just a theory, steroids on the hand has been linked directly to causing man breast. Excess use of alcohol is another contributing factor to man boobs. If drugs and alcohol are
the reasons for your man boobs then surgery would not be an option. One of the requirements to qualify for surgery stipulates that you would need to rid the drugs from your lifestyle that cause the
man boobs. Failure to change your bad lifestyle would cause any progress gained from surgery to be reverses.

When someone suffering from gynecomastia has implement all the natural solutions possible without any results, then and only then can surgery be an option. Bear in mind that the exercise option is not a quick fix. A realistic time frame for getting rid of man breast through exercise is 6 to 8 months. So in essence, before you throw in the towel and settle for painful breast reduction surgery, you should make sure you give your best effort with the natural cures.

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TV Installation Service

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The App That Does Not Care About Gay People

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This story is share with you by Sterling Wolfe Of Found this article online and thought it was quite interesting.

Hope you enjoy it!

Online dating! We can agree that it is, officially, the worst, correct? (Well, dating is pretty awful already, but then when you add selfies to the mix, not much good can come from it.) The failure of online dating sites is, basically, that the whole business model is based on keeping you single. I mean, common sense, right? Does OKCupid want you to find the love of your live and leave the site? Probably not. But the site has been such a success that it has spawned plenty of other free sites and apps that cater to a generation of people who find themselves socializing online more often that in real life. The problem with these sites, though, is that they fail to truly consider the vast demographics of their user base, particularly those who don’t fall into the typical heterosexual communities.

Hinge is one of these new dating apps that you may have heard about. It’s similar to Tinder, which for a long time was billed as Grindr for straight people. Like Tinder, a user signs up for Hinge through Facebook, and the app pulls the important information you’d want potential dates to see your pictures, your interests, your mutual friends. Unlike Tinder, however, Hinge gives you a limited number of “potentials” each day, depending on how many of your Facebook friends have also signed up for the app. Yes, it’s a bit of a pyramid scheme in that the app rewards you for inviting others to play along, but there are some benefits you’re more likely to find matches with whom you have mutual friends, and it’s less anonymous — instead of a clever screen name, you get to see your match’s actual name. And it works in the same way as Tinder if you both right-swipe each other, you are able to communicate through the app and then, hypothetically, take the conversation offline on a traditional date?

It’s a refreshing concept; it allows one to avoid all of those self-summaries and personal essays that one agonizes over when crafting the perfect OKCupid profile. It also means that you’re less likely to analyze the profiles of others to a crazy-making extent. Of course, the drawback is that you have less to learn about your potential match other than their pictures, their friends, and their Facebook interests. (Trust me, I recognized that the fact that I “like” Maxine and Delilah on Facebook might make me less appealing to a stranger who might mistake my ironic, jokey appreciation for Mom Culture as sincere.) Still, it feels a little more legitimate than a hook-up app, especially for those of us who are more interested in pursuing a real relationship than a one-night stand with someone in close proximity to our apartment.

Of course, Hinge has its problems. It crashes, messages are frequently lost, and, like many other apps of its kind, many of its members seem satisfied just in being told that the person they find somewhat attractive feels the same way about them — I haven’t heard of anyone actually meeting anyone off of the app. But the most glaring issue with the app is, from my experience, how it treats its gay users.

Months ago, after being on the app for a few weeks, I noticed that my daily potentials had started to include my personal Facebook friends. No big whoop, really, because guys I know show up on Tinder all of the time. (For the record, I left-swipe. It saves me a lot of anxiety over the two possible outcomes either I like my friend and he doesn’t like me, or we turn out to like each other, and good lord, there’s a lot to unpack there, huh?) But the difference with Hinge was that my friends were all guys who were presumably straight. I didn’t believe that suddenly handfuls of my straight male friends were joining a dating app and looking for other men. A progressive thought, for sure, but it seemed unlikely. So I emailed Hinge’s customer service.

In the last two days the vast majority of my potential matches have been my own Facebook friends which I wouldn’t be upset about if the number of potentials wasn’t already limited. (Also, it seems pretty pointless to be suggested I match up with people I already know.) The problem, however, is that at least five of those guys are not gay men. I don’t think they’re all secretly on Hinge to find other men to date! I wanted to make you aware of this, because I think an algorithm is a bit screwy.
The algorithm! That must have been it, right? Five days later, when I received a response, I learned it was not a technical issue at all.

Hi Tyler,

Apologies for this. We understand it’s frustrating and it’s because unfortunately, right now we have a relatively small number of gay Hinge members. We’re actively trying to grow our gay user base, so the more friends you invite to Hinge with largely gay networks, the more gay potentials we’ll be able to prioritize for you, and others!


Hinge Community Manager
Hmm, OK. Hinge didn’t have enough gay members to send my way, so instead they just started suggesting I match myself up with my straight friends. That seemed… unwise. I didn’t pursue the issue any further. Instead, I deleted the app.

I regret to inform you that a couple of weeks ago I downloaded the app again. It had been several months, and I thought, hey! Maybe more gay guys have signed up. (And let’s be honest being single makes one especially desperate. I’ll own up to that here.) It all seemed fine and good for a few weeks. I got matched up with some cute guys. Some of them actually engaged with me. The app didn’t crash too often. Yet, of course, I didn’t actually meet anyone off of the app.

Then, for three days in a row, Hinge didn’t give me any potential matches. On the fourth day, I got four instead of my promised ten. Naturally, I sent another email — this time less friendly and more to-the-point “For the last two days I’ve only gotten four possible matches instead of ten.” (Subtext FIX IT, YA JERKS.)

I didn’t get a response for a few days, so, again, I deleted the app. Six days later, I received a response from customer service, one that actually made my jaw drop.

Hi Tyler,

As of yet, we’ve done a pretty poor job of attracting a gay userbase, so that’s most of the problem we’re running low on people to recommend to you.

I’m guessing we’ll try to reboot our gay market at some point, but it’s not on the docket just yet. We’ll hope to better serve you in the near future. We’d love for you to keep active as it makes newcomers more likely to stay, perhaps you can consider it your civic duty? Well, worth a shot.

Thanks for the email,
Customer Insights Specialist
Basically, it’s the gay Hinge user’s job to ensure more gay men join Hinge, rather than, say, someone on the Hinge payroll who is presumably tasked with outreach and encouraging new users to join. As a gay man, I know plenty about civic duty! Just think of all of those organizations who serve the LGBT community members afflicted with homelessness, mental health issues, HIVAIDS, and discrimination. Perhaps one of those organizations can add a team to help more gay men sign up for shoddy dating apps, since Hinge’s makers have no interest in this demographic — presumably because they think the community is too different from their own.

I would love to hear you thoughts on this one! I think someone needs to get with the program; What do you think?

Credits flavorwire.com448083hinge-the-dating-app-that-doesnt-really-care-about-gay-people

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Gay Athletes in Mens Professional Sports

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More and more gay athletes are coming out. In the testosterone driven world of professional sports, being a homosexual can be seen as huge hurdle for a person’s career. There are however several gay sports players who have broken their silence and revealed their sexuality to the world.

The existence of famous gay athletes in professional sports is a step forward for the universal acceptance of gay people. These individuals have faced inconceivable hardships in their sport and have overcome them. It takes a considerable amount of courage and pride to come out and admit their sexuality in such a straight-male dominated field. They are, each and every one of them, modern heroes that people should emulate.

Gay players in the NBA

The NBA recently had a historic moment when journeyman Jason Collins openly came out as gay. He is the first player in the history of the NBA to do so. Jason Collins has played for a variety of teams and is currently a backup center for the New Jersey Nets.

Gay players in Major League Baseball

Major League Baseball has only two players throughout its history who have acknowledged that they were gay. Glenn Burke was the first to do so. During his playing days, only a few players and employees knew he was gay. It was only upon retirement where he publicly came out. Glenn Burke died in 1999, the same year that Bill Bean publicly announced that he was gay. Bill Bean is the first active-duty player to come out of the closet.

Gay players in the NFL

There have been several NFL player who have admitted that they were gay after retirement. Player David Kopay was the first person in professional team sports to come out. The list of gay players include running back Ray McDonald, defensive back Wade Davis, guard Roy Simmons, offensive tackle Kwame Harris and defensive tackle Esera Tualo. Tight end Jerry Smith was posthumously outed after he died of AIDS. College Michael Sam could be the NFL’s first active gay player if a team picks him in the 2014 NFL Draft.

These are just several of the many famous gay sports players that can serve as a shining example that the societal taboo against homosexuals in the professional sports industry is coming to an end. These trailblazers have paved the way for other gay athletes to come forward and proudly declare their sexuality.

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States That Allow Same Sex Marriage

Our weekly blog posts brings the top gay news on ground breaking events and gay social networks online. As you browse our post please keep in mind that we welcome your participation and your opinion.

The federal government of the United States as well as the legal system of some states recognize same-sex or gay marriage. Also, several tribal jurisdictions in the U.S. recognize gay marriage. Sixteen States currently issue same-sex marriage licenses along with the District of Columbia. These gay marriage states are as follows


The ruling of the Massachusetts Supreme Court in Goodridge v. Department of Public Health made this the first state to recognize same-sex marriage.


California has had a long journey towards the recognition of marriage equality. It authorized same-sex marriages for some time in 2008, and following a long legal battle, again in 2013.


The Connecticut Legislature has made the legal definition of marriage gender-neutral thus becoming one of the states with legal gay marriage.


Terminologies in marriage prohibitions regarding same-sex marriages where struck off or amended effectively making Delaware a gay marriage state.


The Hawaii Marriage Equality Act of 2013 effectively allows same-sex marriages in the State.


Following a State Supreme Court Decision, same-sex marriages in Iowa were released on April 27, 2009.


In 2012, Maine legalized same -sex marriage through a ballot initiative, a first in the United States.


The Civil Marriage Protection Act made same0-sex marriages legal in Maryland


Following affirmation by both the Minnesota House of Representatives and its Senate, same-sex marriages became legal in Minnesota on July 1, 2013.

New Hampshire

Marriage is legally defined in this state as a union between two persons, regardless of gender making it one of the states that allow gay marriage.

New Jersey

The New Jersey Superior Court passed a ruling that made same-sex marriages in this state legal on October 21, 2013.

New Mexico

In 2004, a county clerk in New Mexico issued marriage licenses to people of the same sex since New Mexico marriage laws did not mention any particular gender requirement but was stopped from issuing them on the same day. After several other counties began offering same-sex marriage licenses, the New Mexico Supreme Court ruled that such licenses are constitutional on December 2013.

New York

The New York State Legislature passed a bill making same-sex marriages legal in the state on June 24, 2011.

Rhode Island

Rhode Island became the 10th state to legalize same-sex marriage on May 2, 2013.


On April 7, 2009, the Vermont Legislature overrode a gubernatorial veto, effectively legalizing same-sex marriages in the state.


On December 6, 2012, a law legitimizing same-sex marriages was passed in Washington.

These states have already upheld the constitutional right of two adult individuals regardless of gender to marry. Other states are now following suit and breaking down the barriers of discrimination in order to give its residents this invaluable right.

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