Tag Archives: gynecomastia

Is Man Boobs Surgery The Only Answer For Gynecomastia

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The development of male breast is something that many young men will go through during the stages of puberty. Some of these young men will still suffer from this unflattering condition into their manhood. Often the only answer to solving this problem is surgery; But is surgery the only solution?

Actually there are several alternatives to surgery that have been known to work for reducing the man breast condition. Most cases of man breast medically knowns as gynecomastia is can be cured
through exercise and a proper diet. The reason for this is the majority of man boobs development derive from obesity.

The rare cases where a man that suffers from this condition would need surgery is when all other measures has rendered ineffective. Extreme cases of gynecomastia is caused by the lack of testosterones and the formation of the female hormone estrogen. Regular high intensity chest exercises with a proper diet will not only burn fat but increase testosterone levels.

Additional causes of the development of man breast occur from excessive drug use. Marijuana has been linked as one of the causes but it has never been officially confirmed by the medical community. The theory is that some chemicals in marijuana have been linked to lowering testosterone levels therefore causing this condition.

While marijuana is still just a theory, steroids on the hand has been linked directly to causing man breast. Excess use of alcohol is another contributing factor to man boobs. If drugs and alcohol are
the reasons for your man boobs then surgery would not be an option. One of the requirements to qualify for surgery stipulates that you would need to rid the drugs from your lifestyle that cause the
man boobs. Failure to change your bad lifestyle would cause any progress gained from surgery to be reverses.

When someone suffering from gynecomastia has implement all the natural solutions possible without any results, then and only then can surgery be an option. Bear in mind that the exercise option is not a quick fix. A realistic time frame for getting rid of man breast through exercise is 6 to 8 months. So in essence, before you throw in the towel and settle for painful breast reduction surgery, you should make sure you give your best effort with the natural cures.

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